I Can’t Even

WHAT’S UP MY FRIENDS!  It’s been like 15 years.  Ok maybe not that long but a few months and I’ve missed unleashing my inner guts to you so let’s just do this! I’ve got a story.  Imagine that. Let me just tell you first, I did get permission from my girl to unload this all to you.

Ok, so my daughter got asked to homecoming.  Awesome!  Super Great!  We were excited.  She was like, Oh My Gosh, someone actually thinks I’m cool.  You know, all the good feelings.  About a week after she was asked, she walked in the door after school, took one look at me with this drawn, sad face and said, “I’m going upstairs.”  What? Oh heck to the no! There was no way I was letting her go after that look. She burst into tears and said she was unasked to homecoming.  Yep, you heard me straight. It was a JOKE!!!!!!  A FREAKING JOKE!!  Like, who does that?  (I know, you want to go and murder this boy and we were right there with you but then it is one of the 10 commandments and all, so we held back.)  I went upstairs with her. She had a good cry and then said she wanted to just lay down for a bit.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I so desperately wanted her to give me that boy’s number and let me get in touch with his mother!!!  Again, held back because it was about her and not anyone or anything else.  Here is the kicker!!!!  She woke up about an hour later and said, “You know what?  He’s just a jerk and I’m still going with friends.”  I was floored because in all honesty, I would be on the ground weeping for days.  Just being real here.  Yet here is my 16 year old daughter, all confident and stuff.  I was so incredibly proud of her bravery and strength.  

I’m sharing this all with you guys because confidence is rough around the edges sometimes in our lives.  It’s not always easy to come by.  I stepped back that night and really took a look at her, me and just the reality of what it means to be confident in who we are and what it looks like.  I truly believe it stems from what we are filling our minds and souls with.  My daughter is filled, like filled with Jesus.  She makes sure to get fed regularly.  Not only that though, she surrounds herself with good people that fill her spirit with life and joy.  We need to be fearless, set apart, strong in Christ. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the negativity of life whether it’s personal or of this world around us.  Negativity brings down our confidence.  How we speak and look at ourselves spills into our self esteem.  It’s easy to look in the past and see our failures, or mistakes, or dreams that we let go of and dwell on it, but that just sets you up for a life without joy and truth.  We need to see ourselves as Christ sees us first and foremost. We are beautiful children of Him that He made so uniquely.   He makes no mistakes my dear ones.   You are meant for such a time as this.  I love the strength in this verse.  Psalm 27:3, “Though an army encamp against me, My heart will not fear; Though war arise against me, Even in this I am confident.”

My daughter got hit with a big army of crap from a not so nice being but she still rose up and had confidence.  I admire her on so many levels and strive to live freely like that.  Friends, we all can.  Jesus gives us the confidence within ourselves to walk with our heads high and believe that we are worth more than gold.  I will leave you with this.  What are you filling your minds with?  Do the people you are surrounded by breath life into your soul? Take time to really pay attention to what you are listening to.  Is it negative or positive? Remember, you don’t have to be the smartest, or most successful, or have the most post likes to go out there and shine with your bad self. 

“Self-Confidence is the best outfit, rock it and own it”

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