Fresh Start

PEACE OUT 2020!! I’m not a huge resolution person but I do like to see a new year as a fresh start.  That got me to thinking…….I’m gonna be completely real and raw with you right now.  I used to keep a nice, sharp, clean knife in a basket in my closet.  It was a ‘just in case’ type of situation in my head. Like any other stronghold in our life, it always rears its ugly head every now and then.   It’s a battle inside on a regular basis.  I felt that I had to be ready if I needed it.  What?!  When you really think about it, how messed up is that? I can say this cause it’s about myself.  Totally messed up but don’t worry it’s gone now. 

There are things in our lives that we are holding onto that we shouldn’t.  We can’t bring the old in with the new if our desire for a new year is a fresh start. What you hold onto doesn’t have to be a physical thing like mine but maybe anger, fear, hurt, betrayal, and the list can go on.  Sometimes it’s almost more comfortable to hold onto the crap instead of allowing the light to heal and move forward.  I think a lot has to do with our comfort zone. Letting go and stepping away from the strongholds in our lives means letting go of control and stepping outside of what feels comfortable.  Scary! As I walk through some of these pieces in my life that like to come back around now and then, I realized something.  Maybe instead of constantly feeling the pressure of needing to become a better person, we need to see it as letting go of the nasty in order to become who we already were in the first place.  All this heavy that can sit on us or come back up is controlling and masking the beauty of who we were before all the crazy happened.  We need to remember who we were before the world grabbed our hand and ran.  Not only do the situations that we have been through start to control our minds but so does the everyday world around us. In order to have a fresh start, we’ve got to step away from the things that broke us in the first place.  

Psalm 34:18, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”  If there’s anything that can bring us new beginnings and a fresh start this upcoming year, it’s Jesus.  Sometimes I can’t even explain to you the depth of peace He provides inside of me. When I truly allow my mind and soul to be connected to Him, the anxiety is gone, the need to fix things is gone and the freshness of His love just overwhelms me. 2020 is gone!  Can I get an Amen!!!!  2021 is your year!  Allow a fresh start to happen by knowing the beauty of who you’ve always been. Nothing needs to change about you, you just need to shake off the dirty laundry.  

“Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.”

3 thoughts on “Fresh Start

  1. Love this and love you!
    I’m going to use 2021 to try to get back with God to get control back over my life that detailed this year. Which seems daunting not having my spiritual family around me with church closed but I will find a way.


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