Time to Rewire


My flippin Christmas tree fell down.  Like, totally fell down. We have like a 12 foot, real tree and the sucker fell.  I couldn’t believe it. I just got done decorating the whole thing and not 2 hours later I’m standing in the kitchen and BAM, to the ground it went.  I was so mad and truth be told, it had just been a long week already so this topped it off. Needless to say, I texted my hubby with some not so beautiful words.  I was like, we aren’t having Christmas, it’s over. Nothing like a bit of drama on my part right? Leading up to this though, there’s been so much negative inside of me.  My thoughts, my feelings have just been…..ick. It’s not like it was my husbands fault that the tree fell but I just exploded negativity because, well, that’s what was hanging out in my brain. He did completely put it back up but we may or may not have had to anchor it into the wall but hey, the bad boy is up and looking nice.

How do you see yourself? This question popped into my lovely mind this morning as I now realize the nasty that I brought. Is there so much negative inside of your mind that you begin to believe it?  I’m seeing that the way we see and feel about ourselves sets the tone for what kind of relationships we end up having. When you look in the mirror, what kind of words come back at you? Ugly, stupid, strange, unworthy, not enough or beautiful, strong, fierce, determined, warrior. When I allow the negative thoughts to continue to roll inside my head, I then carry that with me throughout the day, throughout my life.  The way I end up responding to others and connecting with them totally turns ugly fast. The reality is, what kind of relationship you have with yourself, determines what kind of relationship you will have with others. This is a hard one for me. I’m sure it can be for you as well. We easily believe the lies that are rolling inside of us because they become so strong. We want others to tell us how wonderful we are, or beautiful, or smart, and the list goes on. Here’s the thing though, in a matter of 5 minutes, those awesome compliments will be long gone once one lie rears its ugly head once again.  Totally not saying to not compliment and love on each other but if we determine our worth by what others are saying to us, we are going down a slippery slope. We were created so specifically, so uniquely by God that we need to rest in the fact that we are the bomb. The negativity that stirs around inside your head is nothing but junk from the devil. He knows how to get to us and the only way to kick him in the butt is to start believing the truth. 

It’s time for us to start rewiring our brains. When negativity starts to seep in, hit it straight on with words like, I am enough, I am a fighter, I am a warrior, I am beautiful, I am a Child of God, I am a kick butt son of a gun who will go and do some serious damage with my big bad self in this life. We’ve got this.  Together we can shift our thoughts so that those we love around us will know how much they are loved. 

“Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself”

4 thoughts on “Time to Rewire

  1. I couldn’t agree with you more, our own thoughts and mood will def set a tone for how we can reflect ourselves on others. I recently read a post that a friend shared….it’s exactly the same reminder you shared that we all need to take a step back and rewire our inside. Thank you for always sharing truth to reflect on ❤️

    Here is the post I recently read…

    You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere.

    Why did you spill the coffee?

    “Because someone bumped into me!!!”

    Wrong answer.

    You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup.

    Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea.

    *Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.*

    Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which WILL happen), whatever is inside you will come out. It’s easy to fake it, until you get rattled.

    *So we have to ask ourselves… “what’s in my cup?”*

    When life gets tough, what spills over?

    Joy, gratefulness, peace and humility?

    Anger, bitterness, harsh words and reactions?

    Life provides the cup, YOU choose how to fill it.

    Today let’s work towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation; and kindness, gentleness and love for others.

    (Shared from a friend whose cup is full of goodness and inspiration.)

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