Trusting Deeper

John 16:32 & 33

“I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace.  In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” (The Message)

Trusting.  A word that is still at times unsettling to me. Yes, I know as Christians we are suppose to be all about trusting our Jesus but when you get burned and ripped in shreds by things of this world, people, circumstances and the list goes on, I’m suppose to sit back and trust? Well……Yes. He’s not asking us to start with those who have crushed us.  He’s not asking us to put our trust in the things, or experiences, or even circumstances that go or went our way because He was in them. He’s asking us to release and give that deep rooted pain into the hands of Him so that WE may be unshakable.

I like control. I have an issue with wanting to control everything around me and somehow that will bring me peace. Sometimes we use different vices to ease the pain and take control. Cutting was one of them for me. I still struggle with this vice in my life but I turned a corner when I trusted that He could be that sharp object. Again, don’t get me wrong, I’m almost 42 years old and any sharp object brings about a sense of release and calm to me. I know it’s hard for many to grasp but I know that there are some out there that can relate. Even if to a level of knowing you also have a ‘go to’ that helps tend to those emotions. Here’s the thing though, sometimes we expect things, hard things, to disappear when we give it to Him, like my need to release my pain.  It’s not the case because we live in a godless world. I cannot conquer this deep rooted vice but He can. When I let go of His trust, I become consumed with anxiety and wanting to fix the unknown happening inside my soul. Yet when I scream out and be real with Him, I become unshakable. I become peaceful in the middle of dark place where peace is not normally found.

What’s stopping you from trusting? What holds you back from wanting to be unshakable? Is it control? Is it wanting to hold onto a vice that really only hurts you in the end?  Just go to Him with the exact words that are already stirring in your mind and heart. He can take it! He WANTS to take it!

“God never disappoints anyone who places his trust in Him.”

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