The Blame Game

Someone tooted in the car.  You just can’t do that. Not with 6 people in it. Yes, that’s right, this devo is starting out with someone tooting and there will be deep thoughts ha. We blamed my oldest cause well, as my middle explained it, it smelled like his. Hahaha.  He, of course, is like, don’t blame me, I didn’t do it. We go on to be like, oh, ok. Next thing you know, my youngest chimes in, ‘he didn’t do it!’ (Enter in smirk face) We all bust out laughing and of course, give him the hard time. 

I don’t blame. I can’t.  There are some days I want too but it does me no good. For a very long period of time, I blamed myself. Shaming myself. Thinking something was wrong with me. I’ve talked about this in another devo but forgiveness happens inside of us so that we can move forward and heal.  It allows what happened to you or to me to move from a prison into a place of freedom. When we continue to blame, we continually bring ourselves back into that prison. It’s hard for me to write this because I’ll be honest, I sure as heck am not perfect at it everyday, but I try. Things get stirred up, people say things, or images get slapped back into my brain and I just want to lose it. In the end though, I get hurt.  It hurts mine and your heart because those that have hurt us, have their own pain to deal with. They have no idea what is happening inside of us. God is a God of mercy and also a God of justice. In Colossians 3;25 it says, “For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done, and that without partiality.”  I’m not trying to be all harsh and stuff cause Lord knows I’ve done my own crazy not-so-good stuff but with the abuse that was done to me, this brings me peace.  It allows me to forgive and not blame because God oversees justice. It’s not my job. The outcome of horrible situations in your life you can’t change or make go away but you can control how you react and move forward.  Obviously, you need to allow yourself times of anger, sadness, grieving, and the list goes on. I still go through phases of these but for me, knowing that Christ has the ultimate say on what goes down with those who have hurt me or you, is comfort.  

We need to stay in our lane. We need to stay focused on how far we’ve come.  We need to see the beauty that rests around us because of what we’ve already overcome.  Rome wasn’t built in a day. Although I do feel that if women would’ve built it………..ok, I won’t go there! Haha. Surround yourself with the beauty of truth.  God is the ultimate judge and you, you are the ultimate fighter. 

“Blaming puts others in charge of your happiness.”

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